Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mrs Piggle Wiggle

I know this will be blasphemy to some, but it has to be done. I HATE MRS PIGGLE WIGGLE!! I hate reading it. I hate listening to it. By God wouldn't you know it Zane LOVES the books. Gag! I would rather suck on a dirty gym sock. My husband remembers laughing so hard when his mother read those stories to him and his sisters. My mother in law told me to buy them. When James was 4 I bought a 4 book set. I brought them in, set James down and began to read the most uninteresting dribble I had ever laid my eyes upon. James, the kid that was currently listening to The Hobbit every night, could not stand them either. They were promptly placed on the bookshelf to hopefully rot in peace. My luck held out with Jonah. He did not like them either. Curiousity struck him when he saw the books. With my inability to toss out books, because they are fine and not peed on by the dog, you should keep them no matter what. Zane comes along and finds them as I am clearing out the library. "What's this?" he picks up two of the books.
"Oh that is Mrs Piggle Wiggle, give them here, they will go nicely here." I gingerly take the books and smile and shove them between two larger books hoping they will be lost from prying eyes.
That night the Piggle Wiggle curse fell upon my head. Zane asked me to read the "piggie book" with the "old lady on it." I knew when he said "piggie book." It's that motherly intuition that only mothers have and fathers are clueless, standing in the middle of the room looking down and the weeping babe on the verge of screaming, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT."
Nope, I knew, Mrs Piggle Wiggle. I crinched, but thought, "it will not take long, he will ask for Olivia or Little Bear, maybe even Gloria and Officer Buckle." NO, he did not. I ended up reading half that book, several "cures" before he lost intrest enough to find a new book. I was ready to read the Fudge books for the third time after that.

What does this have to do with Homeschooling? Not sure, it was reading to my child. That is about it. And thank you, God, for helping him see the light, ughm....I mean a new book ;)