The kids are busy with lunch and French lesson. Since I do not know French we invested in Muzzy. The kids love Muzzy, but they found out they could watch movies in French and learn a few things or two along with their other French studies. They are watch an early 90's movie about some men that kidnap a rich family's baby for ransom. I remember the movie, but cannot remember the English title.
I thought I would slip away and have my lunch also. It seems Sam left me mostly tofu and he ran off with all the yummy veggies from our stir fry last night.
We are plugging right along with school. James was struggling big time with his spelling so I dropped him down a grade level and now he is getting it quite well. This is a child from his father's father side of the family. Where someone there spells Lettuce (letus). He will get it. I have him also using a program from All About Spelling. It goes through all the different phonic combinations. I think this school year will prove to be his turn around. He's moving along in math. He would rather do French and geometry all day.
Jonah is beginning to remember what he did last year. He's upset with me when we go over it again. I laugh, I remind him that 2 days before he did not remember it. That is why I am teaching it again. We are going through these areas quickly, as not to bog him down and bore him.
Zane is disgusted that I am not teaching him to read yet. With the Waldorf process you wait. The point is they do get disgusted and bored then they WANT to learn it. He's almost ready. We are finishing up our form drawing this week. He's totally ready to move on into learning letters and numbers next week.
Jonah brought home a necklace he made with a knitting mushroom in his enrichment class. While we were there Zane was proud to show me the one he's working on.
James leaves tonight for his friends house to learn how to build a shed. The Hindu Priest that was going to teach him while he's there on Friday's has decided to go on the road for 6 weeks playing drums in a Kirtan band with a monk. James in the meantime will learn building with his friend's dad, an ex-monk. James is very excited.
OK, I must take care of my duties. I need to grind some corn and feed the chickens, AGAIN.
I must figure out how to make the burnt taste leave the beans we have for super.....someone turned the knob to high. I need to switch out my laundry and finish the cleaning I began before lunch.